Low mass stars evolutionary grid including rotation
Louis Amard  1@  , Ana Palacios  2  , Corinne Charbonnel  3  , Florian Gallet  4  , Nadège Lagarde  5  
1 : University of Exeter
2 : Montpellier University  (LUPM - UM/CNRS)
Université de Montpellier
3 : Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva
Chemin des Maillettes 51, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland -  Suisse
4 : Observatoire de Genève  (ObsGe)  -  Site web
Observatoire de l'université de Genève Chemin des Maillettes 51 CH-1290 Versoix -  Suisse
5 : Institut UTINAM
Observatoire de Besancon
41 avenue de l'Observatoire 25000 Besançon -  France

Using the STAREVOL CODE, we provide an update of the Siess et al (2000) PMS grid with an up-to-date microphysic. The models' masses range from 0.2 to 1.5 Msun for four different metallicities. We also provide the rotating models for the same grid using different initial rotation rates. We carefully chosed a unique set of parameters for magnetised wind braking, disc-coupling and rotational mixing prescriptions that allows us to reproduce the rotation periods distributions measured in young open clusters and associations from PMS to the end of the MS. We'll show how these models behave comparatively to observations and the type of output that can be expected from the grid.

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